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What is the Ditto Add-on?

Ditto is a Addon that blend custom objects together with Projection, and Smoothing in a SDF like way via Voxels. It will allow you to quickly make Objects using a Layer system that allows you to blend multiple objects together within a single collection. It can be used for quick creations, Blockouts, or even to speed up your professional modeling approach. Where SDFs fall short on a more Object based customization, Ditto does not, and can be combined with Blender's modifiers to achieve a huge range of results. If you want to speed up your development with 3D models, Ditto will help you save time and even give you the flexibility to make changes without redoing all your work.Below I will include examples of Ditto in action. (Current Version Ditto V3.2.1 is for Blender Version 4.2.3+)


**Discount Codes Below!

Get it while it's hot!**

Gumroad Step Up Discounts Below! $0-$20!

Once they are out they are out so get them while it's still there! :)

D0 = $0 (Used: 0/5)

D1 = $1 (Used: 0/100)

D5 = $5 (Used: 1/200)

D10 = $10 (Used: 0/10,000)

D15 = $15 (Used: 0/50,000)

D20 = $20 (Used: 1/100,000)


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